Printables 2
Christmas Notepapers
Click on the graphic you like and it will take you
to the printable image.
The printable version may take a while to load, since
they're quite large.
Each paper will require a standard 8 1/2 x 11 sheet
of paper.
These are free for your personal use only.
Please do not claim them as your own work, or include
them in any other download archive.
Do NOT offer them for sale in any medium whatsoever,
without first contacting
me for permission to do so.
Thank you!
The candy canes, penguins, and snowman are courtesy
of Jane Braz at
Give yourself an early Christmas gift on
the link to visit Jane's site, where you'll find
the best PSP tubes and tutorials on the 'net!
Thanks, Jane!
Gift Bags / Christmas
Mini Bags / Canning
Labels / Notepapers
Design ©2000/2001 Rainbow Row Graphics